1110 / 1110 MINTED

Become Part of the BoomerPunks!

Welcome to our very own NFT/Metaverse Proof of Concept.
The BoomerPunks are 1110 uniquely generated characters. Unique digital collectibles living on the Tezos blockchain. No two are exactly alike, and each one of them can be officially owned by a single person. Everyone talks about NFTs and pretends to be an expert. We say less talking, more minting. Together with Tezos Connect we created the BoomerPunks. We made sure to offer the easiest way to mint an NFT to open the door for mass adoption.
The first 420 unique BoomerPunks will be avaible 17.12. at our Stealth Drop.
The next 690 will be available 1 day before Xmas.
By the way, both drops will be 100 % for free. We're barely advertising it, so your word of mouth counts! #spreadtheword
your BoomerPunks
You will need a wallet for your BoomerPunk. There are several available, but we recommend the Kukai Wallet. Create your wallet here: Kukai.
You can either sign in with an existing Google account and get started right away, or you can choose the more secure option. To do this, click on "Create new wallet" and write down the seed words. These are your "password". ATTENTION: If you lose them, your wallet will be lost as well. So keep it safe and secure.
Connect your wallet with the BoomerPunk website. Just click here Allow BoomerPunks dApp (website) to read your wallet address.
Now you can mint your own BoomerPunk for free!

Boomer Sebi
Co-Founder & CEO of brandneo / Founder of Agentur Boomer / Podcast Host / Gamer / Shiba Inu Lover

Boomer Hannes
Managing Concepter @ brandneo / Head of Agentur Boomer / Podcast Host / Professional walker / H0dling Crypto to the moon and back
Roadmap?! Sure, we have one, but we're mainly interested in discovering the unknown. The BoomerPunks are our proof-of-concept and our ticket into the metaverse. Sounds cool, sounds mysterious, and that's what draws us to this project. It's a new field to explore and our playground for new ideas.
On 12/23 additional 690 unique BoomerPunks will be released to make the community even bigger.
Stay tuned and be part of our journey on Discord.
For the BoomerPunks we made a conscious decision to use the Tezos Blockchain. Tezos is an open source blockchain that is constantly evolving. For NFTs, energy efficiency also matters a lot to us. Compared to big players like Bitcoin or Ethereum, Tezos consumes 2 million times less energy. This allows us to offer our NFTs with minimal energy consumption and leave a small footprint.
For more info on Tezos, check out Tezos.com. Say hi from us!



NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are assets, that cant be replaced with something else. No two NFTs are the same, and they each have a unique digital signature that proves provenance and individual ownership of an asset. They are like virtual, unique asset.
Minting describes the process of creating an NFT.
Yes! The BoomerPunks are 1110 uniquely generated characters plus 33 special for friends & family). They are unique digital collectibles living on the Tezos blockchain. No two are exactly alike, and each one of them can be officially owned just by a single person.
The Boomerpunks are 100 % mint free. This means that you will not have to pay any costs. However, if you want to trade your BoomerPunk later, transaction costs will apply depending on the platform.
You can mint one BoomerPunk per wallet so that everyone has a chance to become part of the BoomerPunk community.
You can find your BoomerPunk in the wallet of your choice. For example, in your Kukai Wallet.
Yes of course! You can trade your BoomerPunk at the largest NFT marketplace on Tezos. Put your NFTs up for auction or buy other interesting NFTs on objkt.com.
Our minting process is completely free for you and all costs are covered by us. Therefore, it may take a few minutes from minting until the BoomerPunk is transferred to your wallet.

Kisses go
out to>
On our way we were supported by colleagues, freelancers and friends. Whether it was a rock hard project management, "quickly changing a graphic" or new inspiration when we were at a dead end - without your help we couldn't have launched this project so quickly.
Kisses go out to you guys, Tezos and the entire NFT community who always supported us. <3

Show that you are part of the community.
Share your BoomerPunks on your social platforms or use it directly as your profile picture!
Much appreciated 😘
BoomerPunks NFT Contract:
New Years BoomerPunks NFT Contract: